Monday, May 11, 2009

Among friends

Yesterday I experienced the grace of God. I overslept and missed 9 o'clock mass. This is the mass that I generally attend with family and friends. The people I normally go to church with were out of town for Mother's Day and I had talked myself into skipping Mass just this one time....I didn't have anyone to go with and I missed the early mass that I usually attend. I could still go to the 11 o'clock mass.....but like I said, I had talked myself into not going.

Instead, I decided I would read the daily mass readings and stay at home and pray for forgiveness. While reading the daily reading I read the gospel that talks about Jesus being the vine and us the branches. Without him we will bear no fruit. Guilt began to set in. I needed to go to Mass to take part in the Eucharist. The host is like a vitamin for my soul. I needed to take Jesus into me so that I could bear great fruits. Because without him I can do nothing.

I have a personal belief, as silly as it may sound, that if I intentionally skip Mass, I have a bad week. I only believe this because I have personally experienced it. Frankly, after reading yesterday's gospel I no longer think this idea is so crazy.

Needless to say, I went to Mass all by myself. I was victorious against the evil temptation to skip Mass. Alleluia!

When I arrived I seated myself in an empty pew. There I was, all by myself...but I had made it. Next thing I know, I am scooting over for others to sit. I looked around..... I was surrounded by friends! To my right were my next door neighbors....To my left was a family that was in the RCIA with me! God was so proud that I was brave enough to go to Mass by myself and against my own wishes that he made sure that I was not by myself at all. He had surrounded me with friends!

Now, I'm not certain, but I believe this to be an everyday miracle. And it happened to me.....proof that God takes a personal interest in each and every one of us.

I shall remember this the next time I think about skipping Mass. I hope this will help others who are plagued with temptations of skipping Mass. Just go....whatever excuse you can think of for not going, God will satisfy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you made it. You are right, the Eucharist is the only thing that can strengthen us from that type of temptation - taking it will help you not be tempted to skip next time! Glad to hear things are going well with you.
